Obec Lednické Rovne
ObecLednické Rovne

Basic info and competences

Email contacts:

Office hours:

  • Monday 7:15 15:15
  • Tuesday -
  • Wednesday 7:15 16:00
  • Thursday 7:15 15:15
  • Friday 7:15 12:00
  • * lunch break – 12:30 – 13:00


Galileo Corporation s.r.o.,

Čierna Voda 468, 925 06

Kontakt: Galileo Corporation s.r.o.


Important municipal competences regarding the 369/1990 collection of municipal law (National Council of Slovak Republic).

  • Municipality sets and/or changes the names of the streets and other public areas by directive.
  • Municipality assigns the evidence and allocation numbers to buildings, as well as keeps the correct numbers on file according to current state.
  • Primary tasks of municipality executive; municipality of Lednické Rovne:
  • draws and approves the municipal budget and final capital account,
  • performs the acts regarding the proper economizing the moveable and immoveable municipal property, as well as the state property assigned to the municipal occupancy,
  • solves and manages the local tax and charge issues,
  • regulates the local economic activity and (by any specific regulation) assents and provides binding appraisals to business or other activities of corporate and physical entities, and to operational locations within the municipality area; also provides bindig appraisals to municipal investments,
  • designs an effective control system and creates appropriate organisation, financial, personal and material conditions for its impartial/independent performance,
  • ensures the construction, intendance and maintenance of local routes and freeways, public areas, municipal cementary, as well as culture, sport and other facilities, historic monuments, monument sectors and municipal landmarks,
  • provides public services, e.g. manages disposal of municipal waste and small construction waste, public conservancy, urban vegetation, public lightening, water supply, waste water drain system, cesspool discharge water and local public transport,
  • creates and protects proper conditions for healthy inhabitant lives and work, environment, healthcare, education, culture, edification, artistic activity hobbies, body culture and sport,
  • completes consumer protection tasks and creates supplying conditions for municipality; and (by directive) determines the rules for market hours, service operational hours and administer the marketplaces,
  • panders and approves the town planning documentation of habitation formation and residential zones, individual life-sphere development conception, dwell development programs and participate in making proper municipal dwelling conditions,
  • on behalf of ensuring the inhabitant and municipal development needs it perfoms its own investment activities,
  • establishes, sets up, abandons and controls municipal budget and grant organisations, other corporate entities and institutions,
  • organise the local referendum regarding important life and developement questions related to municipality,
  • ensures the public order; by directive it can inhibit or temporarily restrict the unacceptable activities regarding the specific time or specific place,
  • in accordance with the specific regulations it ensures the protection of historical monuments and cares for preservation of natural values,
  • in accordance with specific regulation it completes the tasks of social help,
  • certificates the documents, letters and signatures,
  • permanently writes the municipal chronicle in national or national minority language.

By law, state can transmit some state administration tasks to municipality, if the performance would be more reasonable and effective. Transmitting the tasks state provides appropriate financial and other material resources municipality requires.

There are two authorities in the municipality:

  • a) municipal agency
  • b) mayor

Municipal representative agency of Lednické Rovne is a commission of eleven members elected in local direct election for 4 years.
The highest municipal authority, as well as highest representative, is mayor. His/Her function is public. Mayor's term of office is ended by oath of a new one.

Municipality of Lednické Rovne is the promoter of the following institutions:

  • Eduard Schreiber´s Grammar School in Lednické Rovne
  • Kindergarten / Infant school in Lednické Rovne

Municipality Lednické Rovne is absolute (100%) associate of Ledrov, Ltd.



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